quick response codes

The QR Code Challenge

It was any old Friday in a seventh grade math class, but something was different.


As the students entered, bewilderment quickly turned to intrigue by the QR codes that were posted around the room. Interest was sparked as a buzz ensued about a possible change in routine.

The lesson was a simple incorporation of Quick Response codes into the curriculum. With the use of a QR code reader and printed codes, students were instructed to simply scan the codes to retrieve a variety of word problems. Differentiation was effortless as problems varied in level and difficulty.

How could something so simple create engagement?

Scanning codes appealed to the kinesthetic learner. Kids were up and moving, the thoughts were flowing, and the stagnancy of constant direct instruction diminished.

Students were placed into collaborative groups to maneuver through the QR challenge.  Discussing methods, drawing out problems, and “Googling” math rules, were all evident. It was collaborative problem solving at its best.


Students were engaged. They demonstrated a level of focus and intensity that created a productive classroom environment.

As students filed out of the classroom, we were met with statements such as,  “that was fun”, or “I liked scanning  codes”. To any educator, these statements are pure gold.

For ideas on how to incorporate QR codes into your classroom: QR Codes: Scanning to Learn