
Blogging: Giving Students a Voice in the Digital Age


I admit, this is a topic I am especially passionate about. Simply stated, writing is important. It allows the writer expression, and most importantly, a voice. It empowers one to contribute to the greater good, to connect with an audience, and to advance change. For me, some of the most memorable writing has been writing that I have connected with, forming experiences that have been both comforting and inspiring.

As a classroom teacher, writing has always been crucial. It was through writing assignments that I learned the most about my students and felt simple joy when a student would go beyond writing because they had to, and created a true expression of themselves.

The fifth grade classroom revealed every self-induced writing anxiety. “I am a horrible writer”, or “I don’t know what to write”, or “people will laugh at my writing”. Every writing assignment resulted in 25 students suddenly stricken with writers block.

I faced these challenges by reading good writing by others their age, writing with them, and writing for a purpose. It became clear that without motivation, good writing was going to be a difficult goal. In order for writing skills to progress, students must write, and write a lot.

The good news is that writing can be improved, motivation can be developed, and students can actually publish to an authentic audience. Blogging has become an art. It is a familiar, open forum platform for students where ideas can be shared. Blogging is an invaluable tool. Not only can students easily publish work, feedback becomes an essential part of the writing process.

A simple blogging space offers students a channel to improve their writing while propelling them into the blogosphere where writers are interconnected and ideas are not only accessible but inspirational.